Why You Would Need Each Type of Waste Container

How to Rent a Dumpster or Container for Remodel Debris

Getting the right disposal option for your business is important. When you choose the wrong one, you can drastically shorten the container’s life, increasing the amount you spend on disposal. Additionally, it can be hazardous for the environment and people. For instance, hauling acidic waste with a light container can cause the contents to seep through. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate container. Here are the most common types of containers and when you would use each one.


A roll-off box is a standard product of your local waste container manufacturer Florida. These come with steel, poly, or canvas lids and can be used for hazardous or non-hazardous materials that are solid or liquid.

They are called roll-offs because they are delivered by being rolled off the truck onto your site. Once you’ve filled your container, you let the company know, and they will come to roll it onto the truck so they can empty it. The truck uses a hook and hydraulic arm mechanism to make this process incredibly easy.


These tub-like containers have tapered sidewalls, so you can easily dump that waste. They are generally used in industries that produced heavy-duty waste, such as cinder blocks from a demolition company, but they can also handle packaging and other materials.

Sludge and Sealed Styles

The sludge and sealed styles are like roll-off containers, although they tend to be stronger to dense, handle heavy-duty materials. Additionally, they have slider hinges to ensure that all contents remain inside the containers while they are being transported. As a result, they have no chance of leakage, which makes them perfect for hazardous materials.

Some industries produce heavy-duty or hazardous materials. Others produce non-hazardous waste that you can easily remove. Either way, you must choose a waste container that is appropriate for your application.