4 Things To Look for Before Buying a Used House

When you walk through a promising house that was recently put on the market, it’s not always easy to see past surface-level features to determine whether the building is in good condition. After all, a quick layer of paint and an area rug can cover many potential damages. Consider a few key indicators that a used home may not be as good as it seems.

1. Bug Infestations

No homeowner wants to deal with pests right after moving in to a new place. Different critters leave different signs in their wake, so be sure to look carefully for a variety of insects. For example, if you notice a house has blistered wood floors, hollow-sounding beams or mud tubes near the foundation, it may be infested with termites. Before signing on the dotted line, be sure to call a termite inspector Wichita Falls TX to survey the situation.

2. Mold

Another thing to keep an eye out for is mold. Common places to find mold include basements, cabinets and ceilings. If the problem is not too extensive, it may be manageable, but a lot of mold can lead to health problems.

3. Foundation Issues

As you walk around the building, be sure to note whether any doors or windows stick or if there are any gaps or uneven spots in flooring or other structural elements. These may be symptoms of a cracking foundation.

4. Poor Maintenance

Finally, keep in mind that small problems such as chipped paint or a leaky faucet could be signs that the previous owner did not take care of the property. In this case, there’s a good chance there are other concerns that aren’t immediately visible.

Buying a house is a big commitment. Make sure your purchase is one you will be fully satisfied with by carefully inspecting the property inside and out.