3 Tips for Repairing Pipes

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Pipes are important components of infrastructure. They’re everywhere from your home to office buildings and from industrial centers to beneath a city. It’s critical to repair pipes as soon as possible when they break. Here are three tips for repairing pipes.

1. Repair Work Depends on Pipe Types

Pipes are used for moving all sorts of substances, including water in homes, runoff on the street and industrial materials. Different kinds of pipes are used for different purposes, which means each type of pipe has different repair and maintenance needs. For example, you can call a plumber to come to repair your home’s plumbing, but repairing deflected pipes in an industrial factory will require a specialist familiar with the type of pipe and type of issue involved.

2. You Can Do Some Repairs Yourself

While you should usually wait for a specialist to arrive to do a full repair of your pipe, there are things you can do to mitigate damage or prepare for his or her arrival in the meantime. Clear the area of objects and other materials so there is room to work on the pipe. Check whether it’s safe to stem the flow of the water and, if you can, then work on mopping up the area.

3. Plumbers And Pipefitters Can Both Help

A plumber is a person traditionally called to work on gas, water supply and drainage pipes. A pipefitter works with pipes used for various industrial purposes, such as transporting gases, chemicals and high-pressure substances, as well as pipes involved in electricity and heating. The type of specialist you call depends on your location, the type of pipe involved and the likely issue with the pipe.

When a pipe breaks or you’re concerned a pipe has broken, it’s important to know what to do. You need to know who to call, how soon you need the pipe fixed and what to do before the repair specialist arrives.