Tips for Efficient Home Heating and Cooling

It’s reasonable to expect that you may see some changes in your energy costs during the winter or summer months when your HVAC system has to work harder to heat and cool your home. However, extreme changes in your monthly energy bills may indicate that you are not heating or cooling your home efficiently. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid wasting energy unnecessarily when you run your heat or air conditioning.

Insulate Your Home

Poor insulation will cause you to quickly lose your home’s climate controlled air. Heat in your home will rise upwards and be lost through an attic or a crawlspace. Cool air in your home will heat up quickly when hot and humid air can easily permeate your home’s exterior. For help with insulation Ann Arbor MI, reach out to an experienced service provider.

Use a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are compatible with most newer HVAC systems. You can use them to set your temperature controls to a set schedule, monitor your usage, and adjust your settings remotely as needed.

Clean Your Air Handler Annually

Don’t wait until you start to notice a problem with your heat or air conditioning before you call for service. Routine service is important for keeping your system in good working order, and cleaning your air handler on an annual basis is a vital component of comprehensive maintenance.

Replace Filters Regularly

In order to work efficiently, your HVAC needs filters that air can pass through. Failing to replace filters on a regular basis could force your HVAC to work overtime.

Ultimately, being conscientious about how you heat and cool your home will help you to use energy more efficiently. You’ll likely see some noticeable savings on your energy bills, and you’ll be more comfortable in your home as the seasons change.